Digital submission instructions, rules, and calendar of events:

Questions about the program can be directed to



Consent to Publish Art / Poetry:

I hereby certify and covenant that I am the legal guardian or parent of the student named above (“Student”). As the legal guardian or parent of the Student, I hereby grant and assign to Georgia Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) the non-exclusive right and world-wide royalty free and perpetual license, in respect to the original artwork submitted on behalf of the Student, to DNR, to perform, publish, display, distribute, or use the same, individually or in conjunction with other original artwork, in any and all media now or hereafter known throughout the world, for any purpose whatsoever, and to sublicense to third parties these same rights, whether for a fee or otherwise. I represent and warrant that the works being submitted are the original works of the Student and such works do not infringe upon the rights of any third party.


Consent to Use Student’s Information:

I consent to the use of the Student’s name, likeness in picture, video, or audio recording, and geographic location (city and state/country) to identify the author of the work in connection with the Student’s participation in the DNR contest. I understand that any use of submitted work may include the Student’s name as its creator and the city and state/country where the Student resides, and may also include an identifiable likeness of the Student in picture, video, or sound recording; and I hereby give consent for DNR and use of this personal information, and consent to such use without compensation of any kind for the Student or myself, other than the privilege of Student’s participation in the DNR contest.

I understand that I may withdraw consent for the specific identification of the Student at any time in the future, but withdrawn consent will have no effect on past use of Student’s name, likeness, and location, or the inclusion of Student’s name, likeness, and location in any publication. Withdrawal of consent for the use of the Student’s name, likeness, image or identity does not have any impact on DNRs rights in the use of the individual works submitted on behalf of the Student. Consent for the use of the Student’s name and likeness can be withdrawn by contacting DNR directly at


Agreement to Release Rights and Hold Harmless:

I hereby release and discharge DNR from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of Student’s name, likeness, location, the original artwork, including without limitations any and all claims for libel or invasion of privacy. This release shall be binding upon the Student, myself, and our heirs, legal representatives, and assigns. I further release DNR from any responsibility for any injury incurred during the research or production of the original artwork. This authorization and release shall also inure to the benefit of the successors, legal representatives, licensees, and assigns of DNR.

In any of the winning circumstances, DNR maintains the exclusive right to declare no winner and withhold prizes if no artwork of merit is found. DNR assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged artwork, and will not return submitted work. DNR may sell, assign, license, or otherwise transfer all rights granted to it hereunder.


Agreement and Verification:

With respect to the above written consent for the use of the submitted works and Consent to Publish Art, the Consent to Use of the Student’s Personal Information, and the agreement to Release Rights and Hold Harmless, I agree that I have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents thereof and on my own behalf, on behalf of the Student and the Student’s heirs and successors, and I agree to the terms stated therein.


Agreement required by the parent, guardian, or by the student only if they are 18 years old or older.